Hey church,

With all the recent news of Coronavirus, I wanted to send out an email and let you know about some of the precautions we are taking and the changes we were making as a community here at The Well. 

  • We will be making a concerted effort to sanitize the meeting areas in our church. This includes the main space, children’s space and the toys in the children’s area. 
  • We will also be changing the way we do communion in our services. This will be explained more on Sunday morning during the service.
  • Additionally we hope to have more hand sanitizer in and around the building. As of today, we have had a difficult time finding a place to purchase hand sanitizer, so if you have some of your own we would encourage you to bring it with you to church and use it often.
  • At this time we have no plans to cancel our services or upcoming events but we will be watching the response of AISD, ACU, HSU and other churches in town as we consider the weeks and months to come. 
  • We are also asking that if you or your children are sick or start to show symptoms of sickness that you would please refrain from attending our Sunday services or Gospel Communities.

With all this said, I also wanted to remind us all that we serve a GOOD God who is in control of all things. So while we are taking precautions and making changes to the way we operate, we do not want to operate out of a spirit of fear. Psalm 62:8 calls on the people of God to trust in God even in seasons that seems uncertain. In the meantime I would encourage you to pray for those who have been affected by the virus, to take proper precautions with yourself and your family, and to walk in confidence knowing that we serve an all good, totally powerful God who can be trusted. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

See you Sunday!