
1. A new 4-week college class will begin this Sunday, November 4th! Join Santi every Sunday in November at 10:00 am in the Center of Contemporary Arts to learn more about how to read scripture!

2. Join us in sending off the Kelley family as they head to Canada for language school and then Chad Africa to share the gospel!
We’ll gather for an early dinner on their last Sunday here, November 18th at 4:00. No Childcare. Please RSVP on the app.

3. Ladies, put these dates on your calendars!!! Our Women’s Advent Service will be on Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 7-9pm at The Well! Also, in place of the IF conference this year, we will be having a Women’s Retreat in Eastland, Tx on April 12-13- more info to come!


Drawing on content from the passages and the sermon, this week’s guide will focus on walking in repentnce as an essential part of what it means to follow Jesus.

Key Passages

Matthew 4:1-11


Right after Jesus’ baptism, he is led into the wilderness by the “Spirit” to spend forty days and forty nights facing temptations from “the tempter.” He is tempted to secure food to satisfy his hunger, to preserve himself from a dangerous fall, and to claim his rightful place as ruler of the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worshiping the devil. To each of these temptations and to the devil’s manipulation of Scripture references, Jesus responds by quoting a passage of Scripture and trusting in God. After he resists the third and final temptation and demands that Satan “be gone,” angels come to minister to him.

Discussion Activity

Some have summarized the 3 temptations of Jesus in the wilderness as representative to the common temptations in which we as humans try to put our faith in ourselves or anything other than God himself.
In other words, they are the temptations of self-provision, self-validation, and self-elevation.
(*** because of the nature of vulnerability involved in this activity, discern whether the questions are best answered in groups of 2-4 or as one larger group).

Think through the nature of these temptations in your life.
Does one stand out more than the others? If so, how does this temptation specifically manifest itself in your own life?

1) Self-Provision: Trusting in yourself for the desires and needs that can only be provided by God

2) Self-validation: Finding your worth in your own accomplishments or in the opinion of others

3) Self-elevation: A consistent desire to place yourself above others or God

-Reflect once again on Jesus’ Scriptural response for the very real needs or desires of provision, validation, or elevation?
-How can these wants and desires bring glory to God when we look to Him for their fulfillment?
-How can you use your own temptations to share your faith and hope in Jesus Christ with non-believers?

Prayer Activity

***Either in groups or as a whole***

When we are faced with temptation we sometimes think our only response should be to refrain from doing what we are tempted to do. Jesus’ response shows us there is more to adequately battling sinful desires: we also need to turn our hearts to gospel truths. Take a look at the list below and see if there is a truth that resonates most with you. Which of these do you feel like you have the hardest time believing? Which is the most life-giving?
1. God is great – so we don’t have to be in control
We can rest in the knowledge that God is sovereign
2. God is glorious – so we don’t have to fear others
When we focus on the glory of God, the opinions of others and the pressure of our culture grows dim.
3. God is good – so we don’t have to look elsewhere
God provides for the sparrow, so we can trust him to provide what we need or desire
4. God is gracious – so we don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone
Our identity in Christ is set by the gospel and sealed by the Spirit. We don’t need to prove anything to anyone else.

End this time by clinging to these truths about God’s character by worshiping him in prayer with one another.

*The 4 G’s statements (the prayer activity), is taken from Tim Chester.