He has told you, O man, what is good;
Micah 6:8
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
As the people of God, we are called to do justice. This isn’t just about doing the right thing, it is a part of what it means to be made in the image of a just God. But, it’s not easy. Sometimes doing justice and loving kindness asks a lot of us. It asks us to step way out of our comfort zones and try to see the world from someone else’s perspective. This resource list was put together by people right here at The Well to help us do just that; to see the world from someone else’s perspective, even when it makes us uncomfortable. The books and articles below will challenge, surprise, grieve, and perhaps even make you angry. That’s ok. You might not agree with everything you read here, but try to learn something from whatever you read. These resources have been deeply humbling and valuable for many, and we hope that you’ll find them beneficial as well.

The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby
This is a helpful book that explains the history of the church’s role in racism in America. For those of you who have Amazon Prime, the book was made into a video series that you can download for free.

Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religions and the Problem of Race in America
What keeps us so divided in the blood-bought Church of Jesus Christ? Emerson and Smith researched just that. This book has become the standard for understanding the racial divides in the American church.

Advocates by Dhati Lewis
This book is a study of the book of Philemon that impores believers to become advocates in Christ for racial reconciliation.

United by Trillia Newbell
Amazon Description: “On the Last Day every tongue and tribe will be represented in the glorious chorus praising God with one voice. Yet today our churches remain segregated. Can we reflect the beauty of the last day this day?
United will inspire, challenge, and encourage readers to pursue the joys of diversity through stories of the author’s own journey and a theology of diversity lived out.”

Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice by Eric Mason
The title says it all. However, it’s important to note that this book is authored by a fellow Acts 29 pastor and brother.

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
Amazon Description: “ A powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix our broken system of justice—from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time.
Talking to your children about racism
4 Reasons you shouldn’t be Colorblind.
On the uncomfortability of this issue.
The Church and the Racial Divide
Recommended Resources on Race and Justice from Acts 29
Children’s Books

The Gospel in Color Set (for parents and kids) by Curtis Woods and Jarvis Williams

When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner

God’s Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell

ColorFull by Dorena Williamson
Note about any recommended reading: Maturity and discernment require that we hold everything up to the truth of Scripture. A recommendation on this page is not an endorsement of every word. We cannot find any books outside of scripture that do not have some mix of error. As you should with any extra-biblical reading, please take the time to pray and reflect on these works to weigh what is helpful and applicable. Still, the grace of God is evident even in the flawed work of our brothers and sisters, and there is much to be grateful for in these resources!