Hey ladies,

Welcome to Week 2 of our Ruth study! For those of you who are just joining us, be sure to check out this post to get caught up!

Here are our resources for the week: 

Scripture for the WeekRuth 2 (to listen to audio version, click on the sound button see image below)

Video Resource: David Platt on Ruth 2: The Ministry of Mercy

Like last week, instead of one of us ladies teaching you, we’re going to be listening to David Platt preach through the book of Ruth. I love Platt’s teaching and hope and pray that it will minister to you these next few weeks. 

Also, underneath the video on the bottom right hand corner there is a button labeled “Downloads.” There is a copy of the transcript of the sermon that you can access and read along or mark up if you’d like. 

Additional Online Resources: Like we mentioned in the first email, for your independent study we recommend this commentary and this study journal, although neither are necessary in order for you to participate. 

Zoom Meeting to Discuss Ruth 2&3: This week, we aren’t going to be meeting to discuss Ruth, but mark your calendars for Thursday, April 23rd at 8pm for our next discussion. We’ll be talking about both Ruth 2&3.

Meeting Link:


Meeting ID: 940 9576 2706

Password: 1UZwD4

Questions: Each week we’ll be sending out questions you can think through at home. Again, our main goal is to provide structure and encouragement to get into the Word. God’s Word is our primary source, the rest of this is just secondary. But if you have time, these will help guide your reading and application of the text to your life. 

  1. How does the Book of Ruth teach us that there are no accidents in the economy of God?
  2. As followers of Christ, where must we take refuge? What does it mean for us to take refuge under the wings of God?
  3. Read Deuteronomy 10:18 and Leviticus 23:22. How did Boaz’ actions reflect God’s concern for the poor?
  4. How does trusting God on this basis affect the way we treat others,
    especially the poor?
  5. Read Ruth 2:8, emphasizing that Boaz told Ruth to stay in his field for her protection. How is that like our relationship with God?
  6. What happens when we choose not to stay in God’s field? What reasons do people give for leaving the protection God offers for other fields?
  7. How does Boaz point us to the gospel?
  8. In what ways can we apply Ruth 2 in our own lives? Do others look at our lives and see a visible demonstration of the God who cares for the poor?

Prayer: This week let me encourage you to pray through Psalm 111 and let it be a Psalm of praise. Whenever I have a hard time mustering praise on my own, praising and praying through Scripture is a great tool to guide my heart, my mind, and my words to truth.  

Alright folks! That is it! Praying you have time to dive into God’s Word this week. If you have a friend who is doing this study too, let me encourage you to reach out to them and ask them how they are doing and how God’s Word is speaking to them this week. 

Miss y’all, 
